Snake general information
Minnesota has 17 species of snakes, two, the Timber rattler and the
are poisonous. There have been only two unconfirmed sightings
the Massasauga in Minnesota. We do have a stabile population of Timber
Rattlers that live in the southeastern tip of Minnesota.
Snakes hibernate in groups, usually in holes in the ground or in the
foundations of buildings.
Snake removal
Yes, Nuisance Bat and Wildlife Control does remove snakes; most of the service
calls are for Bull snakes or Fox snakes or one of the Garter snakes.
Most snake species will bite but the Fox and Bull snake can get a
little nippy and shouldn’t be attempted without the proper
And PLEASE do not harm these snakes, they are very beneficial, and they
do keep our rodent populations under control. |
Snake proofing houses
Exclusion is the only long-term means of controlling snake problems in
the home. Nuisance Bat and Wildlife Control will repair any holes in the
foundation or outside wall of the house. NBWC will also inspect the yard
for possible snake hibernation sites. Snakes can crawl through very
small openings (about 1/4 inch) so the repair must be thorough to
ensure success. Most snakes can't dig their own holes so they must rely
on existing holes. Some of these holes are easy fixes other requires
drastic means to find (removing sheetrock, excavating around
foundation). Habitat modification is another way to keep snake from
hibernating on your site.